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Betta Hex


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I went to Hollywood Fish Farm yesterday, I was shocked to see a "Betta Hex" on the shelf. I walked over in disbelief and looked inside the box. In approximation it holds maybe maximum 1 liter water. Measurements:

10 x 15 x 8 cm at the MAX.

Not good hollywood fish farm..... I didn't think they would sell aquababies.

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its absolutly appauling ppl selling betta hexes its amazing how easily ppl get fooled into beleiving that they're big enough to house any fish let alone the pretty lil bettas

its illegal in some places to sell them and immoral to sell them every where

but unfortunately theres not alot that can be done other than telling the sellers how wrong it is to house bettas in such small confinds and mayby write a letter to SPCA explaining how cruel it is to use these death trapsand see if there is anythin they can do

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Yes, keeping fish is awesome, but keeping a betta in a 1 litre tank is not. Ive got a 55l and after planting bearly have space for 2 bettas talk about One in a 1 litre tank....

I hate his. Its really annoying me that people would be cruel to fish for money. They cant eve fight back. They only have people like us who understand how to keep fisd keep them reasonably happy to protect them.

Not On..... hollywood fishfarm. :evil:

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I suggest you mention to them next time you're there that they are losing serious business by stocking beta hexes in an environment like this. Tell them you have many friends who are aquarists and they all believe that this is outright cruel and wont purchase anything from HFF for this very reason. Just because they say that betta hexes can tolerate water with a low oxygen content and confined space, it doesnt mean they want too.

I dont think I will ever bother buying from HFF again. There is nothing that pisses me off more than cruelty to animals - especially for human pleasure or profit.

Check this out. A dual tank so they can look at each other and flare their bodies and enhance their colours. They dont call them siamese fighting fish for nothing - no bloody wonder in a tank like this, simply made for human pleasure, but of the wrong sort...


oh, and breakaway - even if you can, DONT keep 2 betta's in your large tank or you'll be taking out a dead one the next morning!

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