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The surface breathers


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Can't see a prob here ???

Cees's Post

This is:

Section......... Anabantoid



Where is the problem Cees. This is a good discussion, and very interesting to breeders of fighters.

If you are referring to this Cees,

Bill asked,


How many true Anabantoids are available in captivity, and what are they?

Forget it Cees, This is FAR more interesting :)


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Pegasus said...

> Where is the problem Cees. This is a good discussion, and

> very interesting to breeders of fighters.

I can see Cees point though. It's much easier to follow

threads a year or two later if the subject line is kept relevant.

I'm as guilty as the enxt person but promise to try harder in

the future ;-) It's easy enough to do.


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Hi Andrew,

Can't really see your point here,

I can see Cees point though. It's much easier to follow

threads a year or two later if the subject line is kept relevant.

Having re-read your post I see you are talking about the Future, not the past :oops:

This section has only been active for a few months, and the above has really been the first lengthy discussion that has been posted.

My original post was answered, and the topic changed, for the good I might add :) The fact that it deviated is no problem, to me at least :):)

I can see that Cees possibly got involved because the topic was not related to the "Different species of surface breathers" and possibly another thread should have been started.

Hopefully this topic on Betta's can continue for the benifit of all members who keep and breed these fish. Maybe a new thread is required. ?


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On other boards that I am a member of Moderators will step in an move topics that are posted in the wrong section,and add a post to where it has been moved to.Maybe if a post is deviating a moderator can decide to retitle the thread from that point on and give a link-I think it would be difficult for people to do themselves though as quite often a topic will simply drift into something else over the course of several posts,to where it isnt noticed and therefore able to be stopped.

Just a thought.


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I can do the topic split. Would be another 2-3 minutes clicking. But I'm not going to now. I saw that Peter started a new thread on Betta genetics already. Thanks Peter.

I don't wish to 'moderate' these very interesting discussions at all. Just let the conversation drift, it's great. I just dropped a little hint/reminder.

I agree with all of you :D


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How many true Anabantoids are available in captivity, and what are they?

How many are available in New Zealand?

Bill :)

Petworld in Christchurch has a selection of gouramis for sale.I'm sure if people showed interest in a particular type and they could source them oversea's.Maybe leave a message on their website and see what happens.

www.petworld.co.nz At the moment they have; Blue,Golden,Moonlight,Thicklip and Blue Turquoise Dwarf Gourami.Go to their homepage and click on the latest fish list.


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