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What can I put with my silver dollars....


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I had Jewel Cichlids but got rid of them as they had started harrassing the SDs. So I have a 200ltr tank with 2 silver dollars and some baby bristlenose. I just read elsewhere on the forum that SDs strip plants pdq also. In my other tank I have just started replacing plastic plants with real ones but my angels (I think) are stripping one of them, which just happens to be the nice big one. Trying to find out what the plant is called.

Do they eat the plants coz I aren't feeding them enough or are they like labradors and eat for the sake of it... or maybe they are just being perverse and destructive.

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if they are hiding then probably the best thing to get would be more silver dollars. even getting 2 more and i think you will see a huge change in their personality.

They are a true schooling fish and benefit from being in a large group.

I have 12 silver dollars in a 660L tank with convicts, and a pair of severum.

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for awhile

had plants with SDs

the problem is, unless you keep them so well fed wiith food they love better than plants. then no such luck.

mine love bloodworms most but that shouldnt be their staple

so hence my plants are gone:D

you can get hard plants, like java ferm, or sowrds, sometimes they dont eat it

but apart from that, silver dollars and that whole family of fish, will eat plants

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