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Hey guys, this is my first time on here.......

I have a question that im sure i already know the answer to but would like to confirm....

I have been given a 48 x 18 x 18 tank... I know yay me!

the only problem is the Side glass (18x18) has a chip in it.... and leaks copious amounts of water (the whole tank drains in about 3 hours... thank god i leak tested first!)

My question is.... cant i cut the silicone and replace that individual sheet of glass and re-silicone, or do i need to pull the tank apart and start from scratch?


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Hi arch, the easiestway to fix that is to do a patch. May not look the best, but depends where the chip is.

Cut the bead of old glue out from the corner, carefully clean and dry the area, cut a piece of galass and silicone it into place taking care the patch has glue around the whole of it's perimeter.

Glue the patch on the WATER side. Smooth of the surplus glue and fill it up. No sweat.


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