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Was in lfs today, and took a look at the guppies. To my surprise, there randomly happens to be 2 killies in there, at least I'm pretty darn sure they were from what I know about them.

They were being sold, and advertised as Guppies however.

Unfortunately I'm not that big of a know-it-all on killies, and only really know what males look like. From what I can tell, these are females however I'm not sure what kind.

I've tried looking for females online but can't seem to find many pics, only males came up.

From what I can tell though, it had a similar body shape to a Striatum, except not much body colour, and a light yellow rinse through the fins.

Just curious for an ID on the little bandits if anybody can help 8)

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I saw something similar a few years ago in the Vet/LPS, in the tank with WCMMs were some very nice looking blue spotted fish - I asked what they were, and was told that they must be male WCMMs, because that's what the sign said on the tank!

Didn't know much about killies at that stage, so didn't buy them for $4.50 each!

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