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A free tank?


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Looks like I may be getting a new tank, (900 x 450 x 450mm) from a friend who is off to the ice for 9 months.

It is setup as a tropical tank, sitting on a couple of large beams supported on concrete blocks. Has about a doz fish in it.

I will look at replacing it with my current octagonal tank.http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/my-humble-tank-vt27076.html

The question is, what is best to do re setting it back up with his and my fish?

I will use my external filter, getting a new spray bar, but use both his and my heaters.

Should I keep 20l of water from both tanks to mix with the new water?

I know from experience when replacing my water that with both taps on full I get 25 - 30 deg of temp so there is no issues here in re-heating the tanks quickly.

Well thats what I thought of doing, put 20l of each tank in the new setup, filling it up with fresh water, chucking the fish in and fingers crossed, all will be swetish?

Edit; I can only have one tank here because of space, hence my wanting to combine the two.

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Keep using both filters if you can then the filters will be cycled for the amount of fish although if one of them is big enough it may take over the extra load..

I would do as you suggested keep some of the water from each tank and top up with fresh water that way both lots of fish adjust to the same water and its all good.

Good luck :)

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Well, here it is, all set up in its temporary place until I can build a new cabinet for it.



I transfered as much water as possible from the two tanks, 1/2 filling this one and topped it up with fresh water.

There are now 2 heaters and filters operating, one filter will be removed after a week or so, keeping my external JEBO 810. Should i have the inlet suction at the opposite end from the spraybar? At present it is at the same end.

PH test is 7.5, what should it be?

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Looking good :) Glad it all went well..

You can stick the filter outlet and inlet at opposite ends it would improve water circulation ie the filters not just sucking up new filtered water again and also gives good flow for the heaters to heat it all etc.

If the ph is 7.5 and stable dont stress about it you'll stress yourself and your fish more trying to get it down and stable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just added a rather log to the tank, cost me too much, but looks great in there. Got rid of most of the artificial bits in there too.

Will invest in some more plants in the weekend too.Just need to find some more matching substrate for the bottom now, its a little thin in places for planting.


Also have to move the filter inlet at some stage to the far corner, to be hidden by plantings.

I will also place a piece of black garden irrigation hose in the opposite corner to hide the air hoses in. :wink:

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Picture frames without pictures,

Really like the way you have them arranged and the different sizes!

By the way, I like that stand, you said you're getting a new one?

I will also place a piece of black garden irrigation hose in the opposite corner to hide the air hoses in

I can't even see the hoses now!

Great job :bow:


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Really like the way you have them arranged and the different sizes!

By the way, I like that stand, you said you're getting a new one?

I can't even see the hoses now!

Great job :bow:


There is a new stand in the making, about 6 months away as we are demolishing the garage for a new workshop. 8)

Picture frames are cheapos really, stuck to the wall with velcroe :wink: and will have snaps of our last major holiday to Thailand in them.

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