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Is it uncommon to have a very aggressive alpha male?

As I have one

He’s a very nice looking fish but with bad attitude

I wish to keep him but he makes all others in the tank not welcome

So have been slowly selling off the others one by one as he picks one out for a beating and then terrorizes that front also stopping it from eating and continually chasing

Out of 9 original Fronts I am now down to 5

Maybe I have all males in this colony but I doubt it not out of 9 fish

He even attacks his own reflection in the glass

Tank is 1800x700x700 plenty of room

Setup was originally with many caves and hiding places this didn’t work

Tried removing all rock work the thinking was taking this away would leave no territories for him to guard this didn’t work

Getting to the point of selling off all my other Fronts and having just him in the tank with other types of Africans as a display tank

Other Africans seem to be ok with him

Any good advice of other things to try


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I probably should have sold him earlier on when he first targeted the first male front

As he was also a good looking one

I sold him thinking well the alpha male was sorting out the males from females

But now down to 5 with the next one targeted not as good a specimen to become the alpha male

Thanks for the advice I will think seriously about selling him but only to someone with other Africans

Or someone with a very large dominant male already the boss


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The advice I was given when I was looking into getting a colony was to sell off the dominant male particulary if he became overly aggressive and let the next male step up. He will in turn bully the next male in line so sell him off if excessive aggression occurs. You will eventually end up with one male (hopefully even two) and in doing so harmony will reign upon the tank :wink:

Of course its pretty hard to let go of a nice speciman to one that isnt as nice but I guess at the end of the day its either a tank of harmony or hell. I do hope you end up with a few girls. Sounds like youve got a few boys in there.

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