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"Rotting" Goldfish?


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Hey folks,

I recently got 2 blackmoore's to add to my 65L goldie tank. I realised once i'd put them into my tank they had a few white spots on their tails! So the next day i got some white spot treatment and put that in, then put some more in a few days later (like it says to on the bottle..)

I went away for 2 nights and came back to my goldfish looking like they're rotting! Two of the comets tails look like they have fin rot.. Their tails are only half there and the bone things in their tails just look like hairs now with no ...fin inbetween? Also their bodies are covered in fluffy yuk stuff. All the goldfish have weird white stuff on their tails and bodies and now the blackmoore's are almost healed. They're also acting really weirdly but i guess they're just itchy or something?

I did about a 70% water change today to try and get rid of some of the old treatment.

Is this just REALLY bad white spot? Or is it REALLY bad fin rot?

Why would it have got so bad in only 3 days?

Also, should i keep using white spot cure or melafix?

Appologies for dumb questions but any help much appreciated!!


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Hi Vavoli

Finrot can get really bad in only a matter of days, the white bones are the rays of the fins, i had a discus with quite bad finrot exposing the rays of the fins, however the tissue fully recovered with treatment. I suggest you treat with furan-2 which is anti anti-bacterial, follow the instructions, including the water changes between treatments.

How many goldfish are in the 65L tank? the finrot may be occuring due to bacterial buildup due to overcrowding. Was someone feeding the fish while you were away? Excess food could have also caused the problem.

I would not use the melafix (just my opinion) and instead use the furan-2. However if you do, you will need to do a large water change and discontinue the whitespot treatment so that you are not mixing meds.

hope they get better!

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There's now 2 tiny blackmoore's, 1 5cm fantail and 3 4cm comets... I doubt it's over-crowding as i had 4 comets and 1 fantail in a 29L tank for a while until i put my tropicals into their bigger tank... I just noticed a couple of little "salt" lookin spots on the blackmoore... Then it was just incredible when i got back... They all look like mouldy rotting fish.. Really quite grose ><

Ok i'll have to get the Furan but i can't get it until Friday o.O

Will they die if i don't get it until then?

Yea they all got fed once while away by someone who has no idea about anything fishy, but when i cleaned tank today there wasn't excess food in the stones.

Really sad to see them looking like this =(

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So i basically just squirt the salt water onto the fish? one of them is covered in white stuff from head to bum... completely covered. so i'd have to pour it over him? haha >< shouldn't laugh, poor thing.

Ok thanks heaps i'll put some rock salt in there tomorrow after i do another water change as there's whitespot stuff in there at the moment.

I'll still post a picture tomorrow

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Ok here we go, i got some Furan 2 today after all so i'll put that in shortly and see how we go.

So, is this white spot or fin rot? Or both??


This is the one that's got it the worst but the other comets have the same symptoms too but their tails aren't as bad 0.0


Mr. Fantail has some scales missing at the base of his tail and has the fuzzy white getting worse by the day on his tail.


This is their house. Plenty of plants, 500L/ph filter and some nice bubbles too, so i don't think that's the problem ><

Tyvm x

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