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Tinfoils and plants


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does anyone know what plant would be hardy enough to grow in a tank with tinfoils. Every other plant I put in over the last few months has gotten eaten within the first few days by them. I think it would need to be fast growing and large and heavy?

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Come on Alan... spit it out...

It's no good sitting there allowing the "sap" or the "ambulia" to grow out of both sides of your mouth... we need some hard facts here.. plus we need the definition of "a LOT"... plus we need to know at what point it releases this "disasterous gas" and to what quatities it becomes dangerous.. perhaps explosive :) .. plus .. why isn't this plant completely banned if this is the case... and also what is the effect it might have on mankind as a whole... this could be a job for Greenpeace.. (another way to spend countless millions) .. :)

As footnote.. there are countless plants that taste nasty to both fish and animals.. and like us.. they won't eat what they don't like, and fish in particular would starve to death rather than eat something they don't want to.

Another footnote...

I stripped a three footer some months back that was so dense with Ambulia.. Cabomba and Myriophyllum (spelling corrected) that I was trimming just about every few days in order to be able to see my fish.

Some of the strands were over three or four foot long.. as were many of the Vallis. (No CO2 here BTW.. just fish waste)

I'm a bit out of touch with the present methods (I freely admit this).. but I can't say I have ever heard of this before, and will certainly stand corrected if it is indeed a fact. :)

My Sig below says.. (well .. read it).. perhaps I have just learned something new :)

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Hey there Wazza..

Sorry for highjacking your thread slightly :)

There's a good plant survey on site here (see the headings).. plus there's an excellent one here that has some great pics..


Most of the Crypts would possibly be ignored by the Tinnies, but quite a lot are low light plants, which might not suit your needs.

It seems (might be wrong here) that the darker greens are ignored more than the lighter, softer types, so this might be an avenue to try.

I would try suspending a couple of lettuce leaves in there to see if they would take to it. (much cheaper than plants) :)

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That alright pegasus, I just let you and alan sort it out.

Java moss gets eaten within 24 hours, have not tried java fern. But prob stay with plastic.

Or release the tinfoils in to NZ water ways, they will clean the weeds within a week. Saving the country millions.

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