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not hungry?


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Hey two of my fish dont eat.. they havnt had anything in a couple days already,they will come to grab the food but end up not getin it,the rest of fish eats away. maybe those two just dont like what im giving them anymore? they always ate it before,does anyone know why that would happen or had similar thing hapen and how to deal with it?

I give them cichlid pellets and blood worms every now and then ,the dont eat either... i feed them normally twice a day ,in the morning and at night

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I have no idea about cichlids as I have only kept dwarf cichlids but I think they are holding as in they are looking after fry/eggs in their mouth or something that would explain why they're not eating.

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Could be holding but you should have been able to tell that by now..

What are their poo's looking like? If their poo's are long white and stringy, and they appear to be breathing alot heavier than normal and maybe a bulge around their anus area then they could have the earlier stages of bloat. If they do have bloat you have to isolate them and treat them with metronidazole (also called flagyl) and also some epsoms salt.

What type of cichlid are they? Im assuming africans by your previous posts? If they're not then the above is probably incorrect.

If they are africans and they do have bloat noone really knows what causes it its generally put down to an incorrect diet (bloodworms are quite bad especially for africans from what ive found I don't touch them and don't get bloat) Also if they cichlid pellets are too high in the wrong type of proteins it can cause it. Its hard to know without knowing what fish is sick.

If you post more info on the symptoms and what fish they are then im sure we can help further..

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hello ryanjury, yes you rite ive got africans,peacocks . yes the poo is long and stringy and whiteish, i had a fish with a bloat before as i was feeding them bloodwarms but i dont now,the have been eating these pellets for about half a year and never had a problem,but suddenly they just stopped eating,anything at all not only just the pellets,i asked at the hollywood fish farm they said mite be just getin fussy about the food thats why dont eat.. although just at the moment im looking at one of them and he is picking the algay off the coral... and hes the one atm thats got long stringy poo hanging of his anus...

LOL definately not holding as they are both males :lol: my female is holding but not males lol. :D

they both look very healthy,both swimming around and one of them is even trying to breed with the female thats there currently. but yea... hopefully not the bloat,as i had that before and it was a deadly experience... literaly... :cry:

i am suspecting they both got white spot disease or what everyone calles ICH... maybe it is because of that? I am about to treat them with the Cure so maybe that will help the eating and the itching ...

although they must be fine if they trying to breed... MAN i wishthey could talk and tell me.... :o

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If they have long white poo's and not eating id go with bloat, ive never known a fish to just be fussy on its food especially if its a food that its been eating for a while. What are the pellets? Maybe they are bad for them but it takes some time to show? Or you overfed or water conditions dropped, fish got stressed who knows?

If they're trying to breed they're obviously not too sad, I hope the fish breeding and holding are in species tanks dont want to be creating anymore hybrids :) I noticed in another post you mentioned you had a "pair for life" of peacocks? I dont know if your aware but the most dominant (or any male that can sneak a look in) will spawn with a female I watch it in my holding tank (where I stick all the peacocks with different coloured females when im not breeding them and all spawnings get stripped into the tank) all the time sometimes 2 or more males spawn with a girl and most times the right male doesn't even get involved.

If they had whitespot it will be obvious they will have white spots all over them and ive found salt the best way to get rid of it in all fish its gentle natural and doesn't kill your filters, it doesn't take much I haven't had white spot very often in africans anyway only new ones ive brought once ive got them going in good conditions food etc they seem to be very resiliant to it.

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jezz!! thats scary, didnt think its that bad... they dont look like they sick or gona die or anything... but yea hu knows... realy really dont want to loose 2 of my fav fish...

oh someone sed somthigng about my peacocks breeding, i dont really care even if she would have spawn with someone else , i dont keep the babies they get eaten...

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NOTICED SOMETHING NEW!! one of the NOT eating males was picking algae of the coral and plants! so he was eating ! he just doesnt eat my food... this morning they were swimming like they really hungry,as soon as i gave them food,they of course didnt eat it.. and acted like they not hungry at all.. just diging the sand and doin their deeds...

But why do they eat the algae and not the food !? :evil:

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my clichlids i got of fryan are doing great growing very fast have not lost one yet and i have been feeding them all the vege mixed together and also mashed shrimp and fresh pipi mashed we have no shortage of fresh seafood here and they love it

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Glad to hear they're still ok :) What have you got in the new tank Doch?

As for the problem if they're still swiming around grazing etc they cant be too bad but I would still be worried my africans dont go off their food except when there is something wrong or they're holding. With the exception of any new fish they can take a while to get used to my food and that but once they get into it they're fine, I to would suspect as tropheus has suggested as white stringy poo's aren't a good sign unless your feeding a heap of white worms as that can cause it too..

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