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Feeding bristlenose catfish


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Need some advice on feeding BN catfish. How often should I be feeding them algae chips, courgettes etc? At the moment they seem happy munching away at the existing algae in the tank. Im going to buy a piece of bog wood at the pet shop this weekend, do I need to soak it first before putting in the tank? Will it sink straight away?

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what i did with my BN was to let it eat all the algae in the tank first, then give it 1 or 2 chips every other day. The size of chips i use are about the size of my thumbnail. As for the wood it mostly sunk in just had to use a couple of weights as one end wanted to lift up, but after 1 week it was good. there was a little bit of water discoleration it cleared up in a couple of weeks.

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If you only have one or two then what I do is leave them to it, if you want them to grow big you'll need to keep them feed daily.

Algae chips/wafers are great but what I find works better for me is courgette, put a slice on a fork, drop it in, change daily. They'll love you for it :)

Ahah! great idea, I've been getting sick of fishing out little weights all the time :bow:

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Thanks! I have only two, my tank is quite small so don't want to over crowd it! Do they eat the floating algae too? I have a little bit of that in my water as well, it's not as bad as it was, but the water still remains slightly green. I have an over confident goldfish who is always getting in the way of the BN and seems to enjoy algae wafers as well!

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heyandrea wrote:

I have an over confident goldfish who is always getting in the way of the BN and seems to enjoy algae wafers as well

I have ottos in with my goldies and I tried the wafers but I think the goldies were eating them!


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