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Black + Black = Whack? Angelfish Breeding


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I was always under the impression that you couldn't successfully breed two black angelfish?

Previously I was breeding one of my black females with a solid white male, and the result was some white and some black offspring. But the numbers were quite low, so I swapped her out for another black female.

I put her back in my community with a black veiltail angelfish whom I knew was male but figured was a bit of a dud as he never showed any signs of being interested in breeding or even being aggressive, completely gentle gorgeous looking fish.

Anyway the two blacks paired up, laid eggs, now I have 6 baby angelfish (low number is similar to previous breedings with other male, think female has a weak gene or three).

Just thought I'd share, because I sincerely didn't think you could breed black angels with black angels.....

Def Black - 3 stripes and slight green tinge when viewed close on certain angles under light, otherwise from a distance of greater than about 20cm look solid black.

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Genes in angels are in pairs and black is a week gene in most fish. Breeders don't normally breed black/black because (depending on the genetics of the pair) you will get at least 25% double black offspring and they are very week. I use to breed black/gold to black/gold and you get gold and black/golds which are a nice looking and much stronger fish.

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Will you be selling any black offspring? I would be interested :)


Not for a while, the number of offspring is very low :( I'm hoping that using the new female with the white male will give better results. That pair is in with a young clown knife at the moment, and breeding chances seem slim until I work out my tank situation a bit better.

The black + black combo netted a total of 6 fry (free swimming for 3 days now). But this female does regularly lay every 2 weeks.

Am considering dividing my tanks up for breeding.

If you want those Kribensis you saw when you visited, you can have them btw. Should have offered them when you visited. Great fish, just taking up space I dont have at the moment.

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