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Pregnant pearl danio?


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One of my 6 pearl danios looks pregnant. I have not had any luck so far with pregnant fish (platys so far, one has died, others have all mysteriously gotten thin again - I assume if they have born some fry, the fry must have been eaten by other fish in the community tank), or perhaps they haven't been pregnant at all.

Anyway, got a rotund danio now. I have popped her in one of those little isolation net /cage things. Any suggestions?

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danios lay eggs, which are fertilised by the male fishie after they are laid (the eggs and sperm mix in the water column). If she lays eggs in the trap they will be unfertilised (and then also eaten). If you have male danios as well your fish will be spawning all the time in the tank, but any eggs will be getting snapped up as a free lunch

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Anyway, so yes I guess she is full of eggs and now the I have taken her out of isolationhas the attention of 3 peal danios. Now what? I would love to breed something?

Hey kitten,

I'm in Wellington also, so if you need anything feel free to give me a message. I'm always keen to lend a hand.

Danios are easy to breed but you're going to need another tank setup. I'm not sure how much information you want, so feel free to ask questions, but the basics are:

- bare tank, doesn't need to be big, like 20 litres max

- a cycled (if possible) air powered sponge filter ($8ish at hutt pets + air pump if you dont have one)

- 100% fresh water, out of the tap is fine just use a little water ager

- nice big lump of java moss, more the merrier!

- heater, around 25 degrees would do

Now with that setup, just add your lovely plump female, and your favourite male! Mine used to spawn within a few minutes, but you're supposed to leave them overnight, as soon as the female isn't fat anymore you remove both.

After a few days you'll see tiny things hanging off the inside of the glass, these are baby danios :) In about a week you can feed them, I used Liquifry for Egg layers (pet store sells this) mixed in a bit of water and poured it in (only need a tiny bit). Dont feed them until they're swimming around like fish, otherwise it gets wasted.

Sounds like a pain but you'll end up with a lot of danios. Your female will be ready to breed in 7-14 days again. I was getting around 30-40 fish each time but you could easily get more.

Any questions let us know :)

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I have some large pebbles on the bottom but she is still full of eggs and not looking any thinner. I am keen for her to do whatever she has to do with the male (what is that exactly?? - sorry to be so dumb - I am not up to play with fish love) as I am going on holiday in a few days so she will have to go back in the community tank soon and take her chances in there.

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