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Breeding Hatchetfish.


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I wasn't trying to be mean before, btw. You're just doing what most people new to breeding fish do: after breeding something easy-peasy they suddenly set their sights on something well-nigh impossible for their abilities, then get all discouraged when it doesn't work out. There is a reason expensive fish are expensive.

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Glowlights or penguin tetras seem to be the easiest/most commonly bred

Then try cardinals, then try breeding something else like a cichlid, then try breeding mouthbrooders, then killies which spawn in peat, then try for something a little harder (like hatchets, although i highly doubt you'd be able to, would be a very demanding and time consuming task)

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you mentioned glowlights somewhere, they are a good fish to breed. Most of the common tetras are relatively easy, as are most of the barbs, danios etc. From the ones in your signature, try the glowlights and head-and-tail-lights first, then the neons as a practice fish for the cardinals. Neons are actually dead easy to breed, you just need to have the tank darkened for the eggs and fry. The procedure is similar for cardinals, but they are more reluctant breeders.

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Well im going to get a school of hatchets this weekend from animates as they will be supercheap and have them in my community tank for a good few months to fatten them up for later on. And il set setup the spawning tanks for the Glowlights and Black widows.

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Well im going to get a school of hatchets this weekend from animates as they will be supercheap and have them in my community tank for a good few months to fatten them up ...

To fatten up hatchetfish you will need to feed them A LOT of dried insect larvae - it has to float around so they can find and eat it, and you'll have to be very careful that you don't end up overfeeding the rest of the tank. Good luck.

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Well im going to get a school of hatchets this weekend from animates as they will be supercheap and have them in my community tank for a good few months to fatten them up for later on. And il set setup the spawning tanks for the Glowlights and Black widows.

Wait, you're going to put MORE fish into your already over-stocked tank? WAIT UNTIL YOU SETUP THE 3 FOOTER!!!!!

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