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How do they really clean your tank????


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Many catfish eat food that has fallen on to the bottom of the tank, which stops it decomposing and becoming waste. Many also eat algaes that would otherwise grow out of control. That said, you can't rely on catfish to keep your tank clean - you still have to feed appropriately and do regular water changes. You might also have to directly feed your catfish with food specifically designed for them if your tank does not produce enough of, or the right algae etc.

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I wanted to know out of coursoity how do catfish really clean your tank :-? .any comments will be apprecaited! :D

they have a sucker mouth that scrubs surfaces like glass, rocks 7 will even eat the wood parts you add. They do eat excess food from the bottom but i found clown loaches or corydoras best for that. Its quite funny to watch a catfish pulling himself up the glass with his mouth leaving a polished track where he has been.

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