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On Tuesday my mum went to Auckland for the night, with that said it left her 400L discus tank for her partner to look after.

Some how half a container of food got tipped into the tank

(*points to 14yr brother*)

So last night when she came home (after cursing for about an hour) she gravel vac the tank did 1/3 water change.

But today 3 out of 12ish?? discus are not looking good, i.e swimming on there side, blue one has "white-ish" stuff on it.

I'm guessing the Ammonia is high (haven't got my test kit at home) is there any-thing else we can do for her fish besides daily water changes?

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I don't have discus but the daily water changes for a bit sure sounds right! But isn't "white-ish" stuff usually fungus, correct me if I'm wrong.

Someone with more experience will chime in here. If fungus, can they be treated? and if so what? Or would water changes be sufficient?


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Also to add, my mum also brought 2 discus off Trade Me the other night, and they weren't expected to be here until Friday, so lucky she was home as they turned up today, the heatpad was cold and one of the bags were torn and the discus was only just hanging on with the few drip left in the bag :-? not a pleasant experience with the first time we have shipped fish.

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Will it not harm them doing a 75% water change?

I was thinking 50% but id have to add in hot water right? to bump up the temp?

Normally you wouldn't do big water changes like that, but in this case it's the lesser of the 2 evils. The tap water is better quality than the toxic tank water you have, so the fish stand a better chance in the fresh water.

I would even consider taking the fish out and stripping the tank, washing the gravel properly and refilling with 75% new water. Drastic, but if there is still food lost in the gravel it's an option. Just take good care of your filters while you are working ( run them in the tub where the fish are stashed )



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Very probably - it isn't normally visible, so if it is visible then the fish is uncomfortable. You really do need to get the water right, then leave it to settle in. Discus get stressed quite easily, so do the waterchange and then try not to disturb the tank too much for a day or two (but keep testing your water, and do another change if you get a spike)

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