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New Pleco To Play With


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Hey all,

Its been a long time since I have had too much to do with any pleco's, so here's hoping that these new guys do ok.

I just picked up 4 of them anyway...



They are called Pseudancistrus sp. L067 (unfortunatly they don't have a common name, but they are an awsome fish.

Here's hoping that they settle in well!

I will try to get some decent pic's once they are a bit more active...

Cheers, Jake.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
lol havent owned one of these but i would assume they eat like bristlnose cucumber /courgette and some shrimp pellets for conditioning i believe they are called flathead gold nugget but could be wrong and grow to around 20cm mark

yep-omnivore. balanced diet. Haven't witnessed algae eating tendancies like BN's but vegetable matter is well received.

I woulkd expect their aggression levels to be more pronounced than some Baryancistrus-(gold nuggets, mango's)- species of same size

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