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Am looking at changing my current tank into some-thing like this....

Could I have in a 320L planted and lots of caves....

2 Kribensis Male + Female am aware they get stroppy when breeding.

1 L204 Pleco

6ish Clown Loaches

2 Angelfish

3 Male Swordtails- whom get along with each other.

2 dwarf gourmais 1 female 1 male

12 Kuhli Loaches

2 Emerald Barb- who are very peaceful

School of Danio's or Harlequin Rasbora

Possibly a Blue Ram?

Some Corydoras

1 Golden Algae Eater- who again is peaceful

Some of them I already have, some I don't not 100% on numbers or breeds etc, but if people could help with advice/suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

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I found that when I had 2 Dwarf Gourami (one male one female), the male constantly harassed the female. Then it became better once I put 6 pearl gourami in the tank. He decided to chase the bigger fish around :lol:

I might suggest getting more to spread the aggression out amongst a larger group?

I'm not sure about the other fish in the tank sorry.

Though 6 is a good number for clown loaches, but the more the merrier. You will see them more often :wink:

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I wouldnt recomend dwarf gouramis at all.

Known disease carrier, suspected of wiping out a species of australian fish. They are imported from SG full of antibiotics, they arrive in the country, live through QT and then die.

blue rams are quite nice, get a pair if them instead :)

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