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CF1000 "priming cap"


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Priming cap, thats what i have decided to call it. Anyway, i just recommended on a post how I had not had any probs with my CF canisters, then 30 minutes later my CF1000 gets an air leak that surges air into the tank via the spraybar. Have located the leak to the before mentioned screw in priming cap on the top of the power head next to the inlet/outlet taps. What is this really called, anyone else had the same problem & what you do to fix it?

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lol true sorry to hijack but how do u start ur filter i got mine 2nd hand so just fill up put that cap on the connect pipes then squirt hose up in pipe the turn on filter but it takes a while to get going on its own

is there a better way

when doing a clean, i leave the pipes full (turn taps off before disconnecting) & fill the canister with power head off. Then fit powerhead & fill completely through the priming cap. screw the pipes back, turn taps on & plug in.

If i clean the pipes, i connect the whole system without any water in it then prime it by sucking the water through the system from the spraybar end of the out pipe until water shows in the start of the out pipe. reconnect the out pipe to spraybar then plug in.

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my cfs occasionally leak there but its usually caused by something else like one of those rubber washers/seals not sitting properly on the media containers so the whole unit is sitting flush and tight. my cf1200 decided to leak inside my new tank cabinet yesterday, the day before? - only found it today when there was about 1cm of water there and a damp carpet down one end of the tank - the end not siliconed so I can get to the sump. It was one of the rubber seals that must have moved somehow.

good luck.

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