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How often do i change the filter wool?


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Hey folks,

I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how often i should change the filter wool in my "hang-on" filters??

It gets rather yuk after a week of sucking up plant matter and poop so i usually just biff it, as rinsing it just leaves it all gluggy and not as nice an fluffy as new stuff >.>

Is this bad?

Thanks :D

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What do you mean?

Why would i be testing you?


I've just always changed the wool each time i do a water change... And then i read in someone elses thread somewhere on this site that they "later realised they shouldn't have changed the filter wool before letting the tank settle again".... and since i'm bit of a noob at this i though i'd ask...


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Well they're just aquaone external filters, the "hang-on" ones. They come with two thingee's you slide in... one is a good bug breeder thinger kinda like ceramic worm things... the other just has carbon and wool on it... but i put extra filter wool in because i just don't think the tiny amount on there does the trick...

But that's helpful, ty

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The carbon just came with the filter, it's inside the bit with the wool stuck to it. Quite an odd design...

There is a plastic tray in front of the woolly bit which has little plastic sticks on it, kinda like a stiff, short plastic hairbrush with thick noodley things... So that is for the "beneficial bacteria" and i only clean that thinger every month or so since i know it's got the good guys in there.

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Carbon is usually used for removing meds from the water.

Id remove it as it most likely wont be benefiting the system and then you can add more wool or noodles which may help the system more than the carbon was.

When used(carbon) its advised to remove it after 6-8 weeks as it can sometimes "dump" or "leech" whats its absorbed back into the water.

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That's a good idea, thank you.

In the tank i'm talking about ---> neons, harleys, black phantoms, 1 sucky aka: pleco, guppies, swordtail (his friend died), danio (his friend died too). That's it. Very average everyday fish but i love them all the same ><

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there are two arguaments here.

lets draw a parallel to underwear.


well, some might say, wait untill its dirty, then change. some might say efore it gets to that stage.

well in this case, its up to you.

if you change everyday, there really isnt anyharm

if you change weekly, there is also no harm, but if you change after a month lets say and the water juts isnt flowin anymore cos its so clogged and dirty.... then thats no good.

as note, polyester filterwool, all you have to do is pray it with a hose, you can re use them, in fact, i reuse all my filter wool (im a cheap ass asian) becaues i find no difference or advantage to not, i clean it, re use it, and it catches dirt like it was new.

i have purchased only 1 big bag if filterwooll a year, only when its really bad then i put new wool in there.

but for a internal. generally you should have sponges not wool. if you have wool then its guranteedto clog asap. internals idont think are designed for filterwool but only course sponges anyways.

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