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Harlequin's bleeding fin?


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Hey folks...

I just noticed one of my 6 Harlequin Rasbora's side fins is bleeding :(

It's at the base of the fin, there just looks like a red area around it like blood under the skin, but it's not actually under the skin, it looks like it's on top.

He's all pasty looking at looks generally unhappy...

I had to put one of my Danio's to sleep recently due to (what i am pretty sure was) fish TB so i've been paranoid that my other fish will get sick.

I've been carefully inspecting all my fish every day since then and have seen no problem.

I just did a water change just now so the lack of colour may be due to being chased around the tank with a siphon... But the other Harley's are back to normal...

I have some Melafix on the way but i don't have an isolation tank... Will adding Melafix to the community tank affect the fish that aren't sick?

Any help appreciated!

Love Vavoli

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Melafix is lethal to pencil fish so make sure you don't have any in the tank when you add it. I've found melafix fairly useles when i've tried usig it in the past. The redness you mention is it an actual bleeding area or a red streaking at the base of the fins?

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Uhhh it's not at the end of the fins, it's at the base on the actual skin but it surrounds the fin itself. It's hard to see since Harley's are so tiny :roll: It's not actually bleeding into the water as such, it's just rather red looking. And i noticed before another one of the harley's top (dorsal??) fins is kinda laying flat and looks red too >

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Tank has been set up for ages, over a year.

Have NEVER had any problems with any of my fish.. I've kept goldfish for about 5 years and never once had one die or get sick. I've never had any tropical fish die either except when i had to put one of the danio's to sleep which was devistating!!! and then i had a swordtail die overnight for unknown reasons... then my fighter died too, and a baby angel ><

So i'm not really sure what's going on... I don't know why they'd be stressed, they're loved to bits ><

How would stress cause the fins to be bad? You mean stress = lowered immune system = fin rot?

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NEVER had any problems with any of my fish..

never once had one die or get sick.

I've never had any tropical fish die either
swordtail die overnight for unknown reasons... then my fighter died too, and a baby angel ><

never had a fish die or get sick what happened to those ones

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