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thinking of setting up a small tank


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not sure

i could put a powerhead in the tank and sump which would be easier than drilling

uhh...I hope you're not thinking of using the powerhead in the sump to pump water to the tank and another in the tank to pump back to the sump? Because this WILL flood.

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uhh...I hope you're not thinking of using the powerhead in the sump to pump water to the tank and another in the tank to pump back to the sump? Because this WILL flood.

i was :oops:

you are right

maybe i will get the guy who make me my taks to drill a couple of holes for me.

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Just stick one on :lol: .

But seriously, you'd want 200 watts or better, so you could either go with some flouro tubes, or else a 150 watt metal halide, plus some tubes.

Don't know anything about this particular tank but if it has a hood thios might be tricky.

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When i checked out those bulbs, some time ago, the kelvin rating was something around 3,000, which is too low for corals to do well. The kelvin rating is the light "colour".

Nearly all marine aquaria use bulbs with a kelvin rating as low as 10,000, and up to 20,000. 10,000 gives the most light that is useable for photosynthesis, but a higher k rating has less yellow, and more blue, which makes the tank look nice. A good medium is around 14,000 k.

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Have a look at this 980 marine conversion that RTBS did:


I can't see the pictures so I am not sure if they exist anymore, but no point re-inventing the wheel so I would suggest you contact them if you want to go ahead with your conversion.

I am not 100% sure but I think they are in the process of upgrading.

No I am sure heres the for sale post:


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Have a look at this 980 marine conversion that RTBS did:


I can't see the pictures so I am not sure if they exist anymore, but no point re-inventing the wheel so I would suggest you contact them if you want to go ahead with your conversion.

I am not 100% sure but I think they are in the process of upgrading.

No I am sure heres the for sale post:


Yep that is true we are upgrading , and I just discovered the pictures have been archived by the hosting site as well. Upgrade is not going as fast as we hoped and are currently using the AR980 as a stand in sump and the lights from it as well until I get past Xmas rush at work. We have lost no livestock or corals in the move. Yay for us :D cause I know it's always a risk.

Will be for sale as complete tank, stand, Lighthood later in January HOPEFULLY, or we may just keep it as the sump :roll:

Heres a pic of the new tank but quality not so good


Converting the AR980 to marine was fun but we found it too small in the end.

Thanks to TM in Ch-Ch for helping us with having the tank built

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