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Slightly appalled


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I am new to this fish game but I was in a store yesterday, not my LFS but one up the coast. I was just looking at the fish and there was a salesperson there with a father and son. They were buying a small tank and some fish at once. The salesperson didn't once mention setting the tank up first, cycling etc. They very obviously didn't know anything about the fish they were buying. He convinced them to buy a 2 neon tetras, 1 gourami and a bunch of other fish, all singles, which just got plopped in the same bag. I really felt for these guys and their little tank and wondered how long the fish will last and whether it will make them think tropicals are hard to keep. :(

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When I see that happening I actually approach the people and say "Excuse me but did you realise if you get all those fish together like that they will be dead within a few days?" I then, if they appear concerned, go on to briefly explain why and what to do to correct it.

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It is a shame to see I generally don't have the balls to do what carol does I have done it before though..

I think that we loose alot of people in our hobby due to what you mention they spend alot of money on these fish only to bring them home and have them all die, then they think the fish are too hard to keep or even go and try again only to have the same thing happen, soon enough the tank and gear ends up on trademe..

Its a shame that people rely so heavily on pet shop advice when many pet shop workers don't know anything (or don't care) about fish.

Short of making a complaint or taking the person aside there is nothing you can do. I have often felt when offering people at shops advice they look down on me like I don't know what im talking about but when I talk to them they know absolutely nothing except how to sell crap to people that they don't need.

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youd think that the petshops would actually check what sort of people they wqere hiring in the first place...

ive been appaled at teh lack of knowledge of some petshop owners.

the old living waters shop one day had a endangered type of saltwater tetra that i had just finished doing a study into as part of lookig at the cyanide and dynamite fishing inthe phillapines, apparently the wild stocks are near extinct due to the aquarium trade. i meantioned this to teh LFS owner. the next week i went in and the fish was still for sale but now had RARE next to it and the price had doubled...

not the reaction i was looking for... >.<

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