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Fish that I can see


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Hi guys,

Im sick of my fish hiding in the plants all the time. I want a fish that is active and is always at the front of the tank where I can see them. What would you guys recomend. It also has to be peaceful with my other fish and have a bit of colour.

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Angels are alright can be pains though, I haven't kept angles before? However have learnt about them at school :lol:

What fish do you currently keep and what size tank do you have? Would pay to know those details before we can recommend fish to you, for example adding angels to a tank with small fish or a tank too small wouldn't work..

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Yeah I have a big clear area in the front for them to swim around in. I don't think angels will be any good as its only a 60 litre tank. I only like the double crown siamese fighters and their isn't any at any lfs that i've seen.

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I think Snookie might be on the right track - gouramis are peaceful compared to angels, and while they will eat baby guppies, they are otherwise pretty good in both the community tanks I have them in. They breathe partly from the surface, so seem to move around alot. I have had two shy ones, but most are great at coming forward. My personal favourite is pearl gouramis.

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