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What's a good fish that can go with Black widows, Khulie loaches, Corys, Clown loaches, BNs and neons. I've seen gold rams at the lfs at really liked them but wasn't sure if they were agro or not. I'm thinking of redoing my tank and it's going to have a big cave like half a ball beside the tank wall so I can see if the BNs breed and the Khulies when they're hiding and I'm really excited about it. I was just wondering what else I can put in it. Any help is appreciated.

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They'll be fine, they'll stand up for themselves but won't go out of therir way to get some one. I've got Apisto's with Guppies (with babies), Neons, Corys, Kuili's, Discus, Rams, Whiptails alsorts. Apisto's are way under rated and make a good addition to most tanks.

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Depends on the tank but 1 male and 2 females is a good number. Males can grow to about 5cm but would say that this was a big one. Cockatoos are the nicest Apisto's but there are other nice ones as well so best to have a good look at the net to see what available. Ask on here what people are selling/breeding in your area as the lower NI has a few people breeding Dwarf Cichlids. I've found Rams to be nice fish but they are hard to keep live. I've had a pair of Blue Rams for about a year now and had a couple of times when they looked like they where going fins up but managed to bring them back. The Bolivian Rams aren't much better but once they have settle they seem to last longer. I breed Apisto Borilli and Bolivian Rams and have 3 other kind of Apisto's that I'm fatten up as well as the blue rams which I must find a tank for. I like Dwarf Cichlids if you couldn't guess.http://images.google.com/images?svnum=1 ... es&spell=1

http://images.google.com/images?svnum=1 ... ii&spell=1

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So gold rams arn't agro and won't kill my other fish or attack them and how hardy are chocolate gouramis

Gold Rams will generally only have issues with other Gold Rams of the same sex - they will compete with each other for mates which is why you are best to get them in pairs. Chocolate Gouramis are reasonably hardy, and nothing in your tanks will have any serious issues with either the Rams or Gouramis.

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Maybe I might have to not get the gold rams.

I think you'll be fine - there were some imports a year or two ago that were very prone to dying for no apparent reason, but the latest offerings seem a lot healthier, eat, and grow. They are a very cool fish, but like clean water. Why not give them a go if you like them?

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I liked the gold ones better because the ones at the lfs looked more rounded like a circle than the blue rams. What other fish could I put in their which is like a fish thet people look at and say WOW or just look interesting.

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I don't really like discus that much I like fish that are alwys moving. What sort of Apisto's are the easiest to breed and do they look after their fry? Do they lay their eggs in the plants?

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Mostly in caves and Ive found them to be great with the babies, I find this the best part watching dad try and keep the two girls happy. Most are easy to keep and breed the harder ones to look after are hard to find so you wont really have to worry about that to much.

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