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Slow and sick Danio :(


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My Danio is sick, he's a weird shape, looks bent over like an old man and isn't eating at all. He's moving really slow compared to the other Danio. The other one is fat and fast but this one looks sad. His fins arn't as long and pretty as the other one :(

It's not fin rot, they just look bent and weird. He moves slower than the guppy now and used to be the fastest in the tank!

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated! :bow:

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Fish TB is a very serious matter and is totally transferable to humans. A member on here caught it unfortunatly i believe and from the sounds of its a very nasty thing to have.

I dont think it would be TB tho, usually they get sores and what not going on aswell but it would pay to quarantine it just incase. It could be inferior stock? It doesnt take long for them to bend up sometimes, gold danios are pretty prone to it. Other than that i would probably go for some sort of internal bug.

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