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Cleaning gravel for 3foot tank.


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I have about 25kg of gravel to go into a 3foot tank with angels and plecos in it and im trying to clean it, but it smells soo bad. About 15kg of it is brought from a petshop and been used in other tanks before and the rest is from birdlings flat,it has all been sitting outside in buckets for months, How do i get it clean? I have had a hose runing through it for 1hour and it still smells really salty and bad.

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Personally I don't like using bleach, ever since I tried it one time and could never get the smell out, however, I've read here where some people do use it so I think that maybe a solution. But you should wait and see what others suggest and if bleach is suggested then especially the ratio of water/bleach.


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I use bleach for everything - filters, media, gravel etc. I just fill the sink with water and pour enough in until I can smell it, soak everything for a couple of hours or overnight, rinse really well and leave in the sun to dry.

Never had a problem yet, I have fighters, guppies, kribs, bristlenose etc in my tanks.

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