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What do you feed your Demasoni?


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Just wondering what all the people out there who have Dems feed them. Been feeding mine mainly on BBS and a sera food for Africans but have just realized that it is high in protein (40%) so im not gunna be feeding it very much anymore! Read that high protein foods can cause bloat in vegetarians, so im starting to worry now. Im gunna buy some Sera Granugreen which is for algae grazers, so hopefully it will suit them better. Looked at some spirulina flake on trade me but it was 40% protein as well. Is that high or am i just thinking it is?

what does everyone else feed?

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I feed mine the sera for algae grazers... The also get shrimp crushed up de-shelled peas some random discus food the discus dont eat, white worms, and anything else I can find..

I have heard they are prone to bloat as are most africans that predominantly eat algae, which is why I only feed them non-algae based food once a week and the sera food the rest of the time, before I sera food I used cichlid spirilina sticks and they did well but I was using a big container a week lol

The flake on trademe if its the same stuff I got is really good for the fish, however I had trouble with it making my tanks turn green (very high in phosphates) dont know if your looking at the same stuff I got but I dont use it because all my tanks were lime green and people looked at me like I didn't look after my fish lol

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Was looking at the spirulina flake that mad4fish (smcoleman) has on there, but stopped looking once i saw that his was 40% protein. What would be considered 'high' protein and what would be considered alright for dems/algae grazers?

Im really paranoid about killing the poor things :lol: I will probably go buy some of the sera stuff tomorrow (if i can find any anywhere, had a look on trademe (where I've seen it once before) but there was none there)

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Spirulina is an algae, but a very high protein one. Which is why we humans like it so much. :lol:

I also found that spirulina-based flake made my tanks get more algae - however now I have bns and algae-eaters!

As Bill Mollison said, "you don't got a snail problem, you got a duck deficiency!" :lol:

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Fish feeding on plant or algae must be getting a high intake of protein but it will be plant protein rather than meat protein. The only difference may be that when dehydrated the concentratin will be higher bacause when alive it is probably over 90% water. All living things are built from protein.

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I fed mine Sera product for algae grazers, like Ryans get, and heaps of Spirulina, regardless of green tinge to water, it wasn't that bad, the water was still crystal clear but with a slight green tinge, however, that didn't bother me as it kept the fish in tip top condition and they loved to chow down on the Spirulina flake, the stuff off TM is excellent.

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