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Where is the best place to find mysid/mysis shrimp in ChCh?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Bubba Gump, :D

How's da shrimpin biz going??? How are your SH's?

I'd try those spots aforementioned... but just my 2cents, it doesn't need to be a big river, any little tidal creek/estuary leading out to the sea is worth a try.

I like to find a nice bend with some slow water; it seems the juveniles collect there en masse..

skim with a small net, just ankle to knee deep, right along the sand or gravel bottom. Ya might not see em until you've scooped em up and put some specs on!

I don't feed live anymore because they were getting too spoiled & that is ALL my SH's wanted to eat!! I still do flash freeze them and add them to the storebought, as a treat, which really seems to trigger their appetite and they will fight over the choice wild ones (SH candy!! ) , but also suck up a lot of the 'not as nice, store bought' in the process. I think they like the "sparkle"....

Here is a link that shows the net size I like to use-->


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Thanks DJ will try looking for some when I have some free time.... :roll: am currently renovating at the moment and all my spare time is taken up, not to mention need to go xmas shopping :evil:

I lost one of my boys to a bacterial infection he got... he was the one who was refusing to eat the frozen food. :( I had to force feed him as he was refusing food, he initially seemed to get better, then once he got tail rot his condition went down real fast. :cry:

The other two are doing well and one of them just loves the water bubbles, sits there hanging onto the pipe when he's not looking for food.

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Oh Shiht Carznkats

I am really sorry to hear you lost one of those guys.

Hope the rest are going OK

Do youthink you will be getting any more soon? Hint Hint.

Did you have a look at where I suggested?

Hope all those tanks going well.

Red shoulders doing very well and colouring up nicely


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've finally found a source of mysis shrimp

(Thanks littlemsfun :hail::hail::hail: )

Went there last night and found thousands, not to mention some more glass shrimps. So my seahorse is very happy about getting live food and is alot more active hunting and not so much sulking!

Sadly not long after I lost my boy the wee girl came down with the same thing, and even with force feeding her (which she absolutely hated), and treating her with furan 2 she went down real fast. But since then the tank has stabilised and everything is fine now, not to mention I finally bought a chiller (thanks organism). Just as well what with the temperatures we have been having....the homemade chiller just didn't have enough guts to keep the temperature down enough....

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