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Cloudy Water


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I set up a new tank about 6 weeks ago with plants but no fish. The plants ended up with slimy green layer that I could peel off the leaves. The tank went cloudy after a couple of weeks, so I did a few water changes. I put betta in it a couple of weeks ago, along with some more Stresszyme but the water is still cloudy. Have done a couple of water changes this week and it clouds up again the next day. The betta doesn't seem to be worried but the water has an appearance of smoke swirling with the current.

The tank is 29L, underground filter, 4 plants (Excel added weekly for them), no driftwood and only gravel on the bottom. Is it algal bloom or something else? What suggestions can I try to clear the water?

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It'll be either:

a) bacterial bloom, normally goes away in a few days, I've found the tank also smells a bit off You can use B-Clear etc for this one, but I wouldn't, anything that kills bacteria will likely damage your good bacteria. This is likely when too much food is added, if it was doing this with no fish food, then its unlikely what it is.

b) small stuff floating in water, e.g. didn't clean gravel before setting up aquarium, this should settle by itself but you can use P-Clear to help make the particles clamp up, its cheap and at your LFS.

I'd go with B at first impression.

I'm assuming your filter is on 24hrs, and you dont change more than 30% of the water at a time, and no fish food is left lying on the tank floor for more than a minute or so max, and the tank doesn't smell.

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The slimy green layer is probably blue green algae which you can get when there are low nitrates. No fish means no waste for the bugs to convert to nitrate. I had it in a tank where the fish had died and I wanted to do a few water changes before puting fish back in. Once I put fish in and it started to cycle again the blue green diminished and it has now gone. Just leave it as it is --add nothing and feed lightly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally the tank has cleared. I did a big water change and found a clear gel like slime around the suction cups on the heater so I gave everything a good wipe down including glass and filter unit. After a few days the water clouded and I could see green/black slime starting to coat the leaves again.

I put a Siamese algae eater and a pleco in the tank and didn't feed them for a few days. Lo and behold, the tank cleared!! What great little (now a bit fatter) fish :bow:

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