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Safe Bottom feeders?


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Hi everyone, I was just wanting to know if anyone can recommend me a good alage eater/left over food cleaner that WONT eat my guppies tails etc....

I had some YOYO loach that mutilated them even though the petshop said they are fine with them, so I am not keen to get advice from them again. :evil:


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Bristlenose pleco 8)

I have an 8" gibbiceps pleco in with my male guppys, no problems. But they can hoover up the occasional fry when they get to that size :roll:

Just make sure it IS a bristlenose that you get, my 8" gibby is only a baby, then can grow to 18" :o

They will do a good job on algae and food scraps but you do still need to feed them properly once they have cleaned up the algae. Some sinking pleco tablets and some chunks of fresh vege take care of that though.



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Thanks guys!

Now its the task of trying to find a bristle nose! Havnt seen them here in Dunedin I don't think, will phone around tomorrow.

I Will be panicing a tad when I put them in the tank as I don't want anything to happen to my Albino Snakeskin and Blond Albino gups!! I spent ages looking for some!

Im sure it will be ok tho!

I have a seperate tank for the fry to grow in so they wouldnt get hooverd up :)

The algae is kinda getting a little gross looking, im sick of having to scape it off the glass and is also all over my leaves :S! I have a sunglow light so that could be a cause of the heap of algae!

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