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Demasoni Pics


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Got some alright pics of my Demasoni so thought i should share them :) Got them not long ago from Ryanjury (he is awesome, get Dems off him :D ) theres 18 of them

Heres the tank they are in ATM (400 x 400 x 400)


Has a tiger lotus and a clump of java fern, along with rocks and gravel substrate. Theres a stocking full of aragonite sand down the back to keep the pH up

Heres some of the fish






They are growing fast! They are destined for a 350L tank that will be full of rocks and will have some plants in it (java fern, anubias, tiger lotus and any other plants i have to spare) Not sure about tankmates yet; would like to make it just straight Demasoni, so might get another dozen or so at a later date 8)

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Man they look like they've grown well :) How big are they now? What are you feeding them?

They look good, are you getting any good scraps going on?

Cheers for the plug going to have alot of these spare soon got 4 females holding at the moment and 17 babies just swimming, one of my favorite fish thats for sure..

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They are the coolest fish EVER dixon! You should definately get some :)

Yep, they sure have grown. The biggest ones are probably pushing 1.5 - 2cm now. Feeding them Sera Granumeat, Wardley and tetramin flake and BBS. I drop some microworms in every now and again too but i dunno if they eat them or not. Haven't seen alot of fighting as of yet, but im sure it will start soon! Good to hear you have more coming. Im sure you will sell them all!

Im 90% sure that ill keep it all Demasoni, and will get more if i do that. Oh, i want to put my pair of Neolamprologus Brichardi in with them once they have grown up too. Hopefully in the big tank the Brichardi wont get beaten up.

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in the small tank? not sure, probably for another few months yet. They were originally in a 250 x 250 x 250 floating container i think Ryan said, so i didnt want to put them into much bigger and have them not be able to find food or something. I will probably put them into the big tank in a month or so though....

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yeah I had them in a vegebin/breeding container I use to grow out little fish before I shipped them, would probably keep them in 2ft until around 2-3cm's, you will know when to move them judging by how argo they are to each other.. They're pretty good at hunting for food after a few weeks but will grow faster if in a smaller one and you pump food into them..

Dixon, sorry to hear shipping is too expensive for you, bear in mind I could ship 24 in the $30 I quoted you for shipping so you could get it cheaper if you found someone else who wanted some in Chch (im actually shipping some down there when they're ready), im sure someone down there is breeding them though, id seriously recommend you do invest in more than 12 of them no matter how poor you are any less and its most likely end up in dead fish.. Good luck!

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