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Can Sciaenochromis Fryeri breed with Peacocks?


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Any of them CAN cross breed but if you provide enough females for the males will they? Its upto you if your willing to risk it, from a breeding point of view I breed in species tanks but alot of people breed in mixed tanks.

Heres some reading for you..

http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/m ... acocks.php


When you came out I thought I had read an article that you could keep them together if you had enough females but it was the top one.

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Yeah I wouldn't risk it, with keeping both species together, there would be no 100%, other males can get involved during the spawning process... short of seeing either species breeding with the right mate it would be a bit risky imo, fish can be full of suprises.. I like to keep my species seperate also when breeding.

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