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New Tank and need to go Away


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I have a new 90L tank that has been running for about two weeks. Its one of those Hexagonal tanks on a stand and has an under gravel filter.

It currently has 3 adult swords, 3 young guppies, , 2 young pearl gouramis and a small plec. At the moment I am having to do 40% water changes every day to keep ammonia levels under 0.25ppm. I dont mind doing this but next week I have to go away for 6 days. I have an auto feeder but worry about my ammonia levels. Should i put all these fish back into my 350L understocked cycled tank or just some.

Any suggestions please.

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Yup they will live fine for a week with no food.

If you are worried about the ammonia move some of the larger fish back ( the mollies maybe ) I would leave the pleco jsut because they are so hard to catch :lol:

If you are having to do big water changes to control ammonia you probably have too many fish while the tank is cycling. If you just had the guppys and a small pleco in there the ammonia level would be much lower. Then after a couple of weeks, add a couple more fish.



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My New 300L Tubular acrylic Tank arrived today ( yee ha). Its 700 diameter and 750 high (plus Stand). Ive just got it filled and will leave it for a few days to heat and settle. I was thinking that i could take my 3 adult swords out of the hex tank and put them in the new tube tank along with 2 small gae's and that they would be ok for the 6 days while im away and would help the new tank to start cycling.

Whay do you think?

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