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I bought a breeding pair of these from my LFS and the male has just died, I am wondering if anybody knows where I can find another male and maybe another pair as these are such nice fish?

I was alo told these are easy to breed but I had this pair for over a year and no babies unlike my yellow mollies that have just given birth for the second time.

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Apart from the natural breeding of my rabit like mollies, if I was to go to my LFS and get a male to breed with this Lyretail, what am I looking for and do I need to encourage them or will it be quite natural?

Can sombody also explain in laymans terms what a Red Lyretail Swordtail actually is as I had only seen them once and I purchased this pair?

I would like to produce / breed more but as I have mentioned I have lost my male.

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How about in laymans terms ? ? ? ?

Gonopodium is basically 'fish penis'

He means 'get a good looking male with long fins'

If you put a male and female together they WILL breed, but remember female livebearers can store sperm, so he might not necessairly be the daddy for all of the first batch.

I think a lyretail is a tail with two swords, one up top one at the bottom, but I could be wrong.

When you get a new male make sure you get one that is the same colouration / strain as your old male. e.g. red crossed with black is eww

They are definately not monogomous, livebearer fish are like drunk hippies.

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Yes Lyretails have very long "swords" top and bottom of the tail and also a long "sword" trailing from the top of the dorsal fin these "swords" are up to two inches long!

Has anybody else seen these / got one as they are really nice?

My females body is double, almost three times the size of a molly.

I have no way of posting a pic for you guys but if somebody could PM me I can email them a picture to post on this site?

So if I can find a standard male sword, red in colour you are saying it may breed with my female lyretail?

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