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hiya doch...welcome to the forum

what sort of camera did you get? I use the macro setting on mine.

If you're going to use the flash make sure you're on an angle then you won't get flash reflection on the glass

If you're taking pics in the daytime be careful of the amount of daylight on the glass......it reflects the surroundings like a mirror.

Clean the glass before you start....nothing worse than taking a really cool pic and finding water marks on it

Clean the algae off the inside of the tank before you start ....it shows in the pics

good luck


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In my experance its very hard to get photos without the use of the flash. Its impossilbe to get good photos without increasing the apature past 4.0. I also find it hard to get a pic that looking right in colour without manual setting of the white ballance.

Using a Tripod is VERY important for many photos, its hard enough with the fish moving, impossilbe when you are both moving.

Having the tank lit and room dark is good. Different cameras have flashes in different places, so experiment with the position and angle.

Photoshop or similar is a MUST to produce decent photos.

Clean glass is a must. Also its hard to take photos and angles through the glass, so its best to be at a right angle with the glass.

Using Macro will increase the change of getting a close-up photo looking good, but reduces the focus point and makes it harder to get the whole subject in focus (increased apature is required).

FNZAS are very short on disk space, hence no photos section. If you check out the SALTWATER forum you can see plenty of photos of all our tanks their though.

Good luck


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Hi Dosh,

I take my photos in my tank with out using any fancy equipment. I don't have tripod (but I imagine these would help a lot) so I just hold the camera in my hands. Also I don't use a flash as I find this normally gives me a horrible reflection across the photo. I simply darken the room and then take them. Why I am by no means a expert, some of my photos seem to turn out OK (other methods may work better, this is just what I do).

heres a couple that I have take using this method:



By the way I did not use Photoshop or anything on these.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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