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sick fish


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:cry: Help I have a fantail thats just sitting at the top of my tank, was going to post pic but don't know how... could email to anyone if that would help.

Its the secound fish to go funny... see my post in coldwater for details...

:cry:not sure whats happened .... THis fish looked ok this morning... I've had my tank tested this morning was fine... ph a little high but nothing to worry about - so I was told... fish is just sitting at top sucking in air (at least thats what it looks like?) he's a rather fat fish .... could he have over eaten?

what do I do??

I have no idea and am worried ... :cry: :-? :(:cry:

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Do you feed floating food? Could he have a swimbladder problem? (they can sometimes suck in air which makes it near impossible to stay lower in the water - reverse can also happen) Do a search on the net and see.

Is he breathing at the same rate as the others?

He could also be constipated maybe? (But I don't know if that makes them float?)

How's his balance? Is he normal/upright or is he tipping over?

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Have some sad news after coming home from work today Goldy (as he got named) was worse...... moved to another tank... have beening trying peas but to no use....

Goldy went to fishy heaven about an hour ago.... :cry::cry:

Wish I could have saved him but.... hopefully I can do better with his mates.....

Have ALOT to learn just pray that its not at the rest of my fishy's lives...

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Thanks Caper.

yea was such a sweet fish too. Though I think they all are, each is different once you get to know them.... At least mine are... :lol:

So far other fantails are ok, though are wondering where there mate is...

Had my water checked again.... and done another water change...added a few more plants and have tonic salt too.... hopefully this will help other fish (FINFIN) that has the closed fins.....

Showed a pic to my local fish store ..... they have no ideas either.... asked me about tank, food - how much - how often, etc etc. Said from that it looks like I'm doing everything right...... ????

guess its just a waiting game to see if Finfin comes right and no other fish get sick..... :-? :-?

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Well thats a hard one .... being so new to this don't really know what to look for ..... :oops: :-? :(

Lets see ... Closed fins, opens and shuts mouth a bit?, often on his own, likes to swim at the top/or near to of tank...., rather small looking, do wonder if he/she? gets the right amount of food or if the others get it mostly due to them swimming faster??

Not as shinely as the other either.....

not sure if this helps I really don't know??? :-? :( my poor Finfin.

I try to put flakes in where he is so that he gets a chance to eat before the others.... is a few bit smaller.....

Have a photo I could email you if that helps??

Thank you for your help, I need all I can get.... its hard to watch... them not doing well.....

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Go to the post on here re: pictures. Photobucket is a good place & easy to use. If you post the pic here, more will be able to see him.

Personally, I would stop using the salt. I tried it one time and ended up with more problems. It apparently has its uses, but I would not be adding it at this time.

What are your readings? Ammonia & such?


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Hard to say ..... could be a little????

not much help am I? :-? :(

Don't know if this pic is any better


I don't have a reading on temp of tank sorry..... it would be at room temp (what even that is).... don't use lights on tank... room gets natural light so don't need to use them.... its not hot in there though.....

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You're right hard to say...because of his coloring.

As far as I know, high ammonia will turn gills red that's why I was asking.

Other than water changes, I have no idea what else you could do. You haven't added anything new to the tank have you?

How's the ammonia today?


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No haven't added anything new.... well hang on I did add some plants and a air stone but Finfin was ready this way.... hoping it would help....

I'd just about try anything at this point!

:(:o :-?

Did another water change last night just in case it helps....

I don't have a test kit... (thinking I should get one) I go to the pet store to do tests.... Back at work tomorrow so will get it tested on my way home....

guess up side is he/she isn't getting worse (well at least doesn't look like it). Guess I should be thankful for that....

I've even got out books and readed though them but....I have to say I'm none the wiser.... :-?

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oh other thing is I took out there "rock" last night and have used Sterilizer on it and the net, gravel cleaner.... Haven't put rock back in yet....

"rock" been in there for a month so should be fine and was washed ready well ... but as I said I'd try anything... so going back over anything I can think of....

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Well water tested... PH a little on the high side :-?

everything else fine...... :-? :D:( :-?

I guess thats good but doesn't help Finfin much......

Got some driftwood - believe this helps to lower ph....

I don't know... :( don't know what I'm don't wrong...

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:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Finfin is doing better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :bounce: :lol: :bounce: :lol:

hopefully it will keep up.

all I've change is adding the driftwood... :-? how thats helped I don't know.... only thing I can think of is he doesn't like PH to be on the higher side....

Maybe I just need to have a bit more faith - in myself and my fish :lol:

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PH was 7.3 - 7.8 around there anyway.

Bad news though.... :cry::(:cry:

Had another fish die this afternoon, though it look ok this morning.... :cry:

I have now rehomed the last 3 fantails. :cry::cry:

one of them being my little Finfin :cry: was hard to see him go....

but they now have a home in my friends pond.... Her goldfish do really well in it so hopefully my little babies will be ok in that.....

I now wonderthat water may have been getting a bit hot for them.... ??

Tank was in a rather warm room (at times anyway).... I had there tank water tested today and it all was fine... so I know it wasn't that...... they just weren't happy in tank ... but were happy to go in pond... I'll check on them in a few days ... for the best I think... :cry::( :-? just sad to see them go

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Sorry newfish :(

But sometimes, no matter what we do, our fish will die. I've learned that lesson many times, sad lesson to learn, but true.

You are going to get more fish though, aren't you? Try and get a thermometer for your tank.

Caper :P

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