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Brown algae: do I get an algae-remover?


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I fear this brown algae - which most say is caused by silicates in the glass and stones of a new tank - is killing my plants. Amazonian Sword plants seems to be worst off. Their leaves are covered in brown gunk, which I can wipe off, but now it's starting to make holes in the leaves and it's making photosynthesis harder.

So, my question, do I get a little magic algae remover solution from the store? Does it even work on brown algae? Or is there another way to save my plants and make my tank look nice again.

By the way, my tank is 3-4 weeks young.

Muchos gracias! :hail:

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yes it will disappear, is your tank near a window?

I wouldn't worry too much, when I first set up my tank I had quite a bit of brown algae, I used to wipe it off the glass occasionally but eventually it went away by itself.

Or try some ramshorn snails, I found they are quite good at eating brown algae.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah right, yeah. My bristlenose has disappeared - haven't seen him/her for weeks. I think he might have died somewhere in a little nook or cranny...

So I decided to get one Apple Snail, which I thought would take care of the algae. Shows what I know :lol:

There are now four Apple Snails in the tank and the plants are all over the place, eaten to bits. And the algae are still there, although lessening.

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