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unattended fish


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my girl is going across the ditch... so ill prob go visit her every so often when i have enough $ despite it prob wont work out anyway. what worries me is my fish. i have 3 ornates, 1 senegalus, 1 clown knife, 1 oscar, 1 silver aro, theyll most likely to be very dead by the end of any of my 1 week expeditions. cant get my flat mate to look after them, hes drunk most the times and a complete fob when it comes to fish... or anything else. so what can i do? open to suggestions :D oh and if this is the wrong place to post this, can the admin please move it to the correct place. THANKS!

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Find out about your local fish society/club, see if you can find a likeminded person.

Healthy fish in healthy tank are good for 5 days with no food, so would only need one visit.

Better that than someone not knowing what they are doing feeding them.

Post this in Private trade and exchange- you'll get someone to help you for sure.

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i compltely agree

i hve hda a silver and no food for actually more than 5 days and they are fine. but,dont risk that

what you can do is feed them lots the 2 days efore you go, arowana feet ox heart, something that lasts long in the belly.

and feed everything else. the night befor eyou go, do a 50% water change. then dup 20-30 guppies or gold fish in there. shouldlast them 5 to 6 days:D

its like a buffet

or a baby sitter but the baby sitter gets eaten.... like a horror movie

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Large healthy fish will live without food for a week no worries. Give them a good feed and a water change before you go.

They might be a bit hungry and have lost some condition when you get home, but it wont take long for them to fatten up again.

Not something you want to do to them every week, but they will be fine as a once off.



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It is recommended not to give them a big feed and a water change before you go, but leave the tank exactly how it is. If you give them a big feed you will polute the tank more than usualy possibly with dramatic effects, and doing a big water change to maybe get rid of that food could upset the filters or you may not plug the heaters back in properly, or any other possible problems, and you will not be there for a week to recognise and remedy them.

But yes, as said, they will be sweet for up to about 10 days without food.

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buy a auto feeder.

Can't see that working too well with the meaty foods those fish need. ;)

Depending on how big they are 5 days should be fine. I left my bichir, dat and loaches for 2 weeks last xmas, although I won't be doing it this year as the size difference between the loaches and the dat/bichir is bigger now and the only thing that stops them becoming snacks is that the big fish are well fed!

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uh oh.... i might go to malaysia end of this year for a month... i dunno whether i should employ my mother to look after it... despite that may lead to a sooner demise of my fish... lol *tuck them in my pocket and take them with me, they breath air anyways :P*

so the only way i guess is to ask for someone to look after them or sell them :(

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