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Where can i get white sand from?


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I am after some white sand, not the usual grey stuff found most beaches.

If there is none around the Bay Of Plenty area would someone please kindly post an ice cream container or 2 to me, i will cover all courier costs.

Secondly does useing sand have an effect on the tank water? e.g make it salty etc (after giveing it a good wash first)? kinda a stupid question but i am not sure :-?

Would the "grit" which is found at some beaches - i think it is just small ground up shells be suitable for a tank, after a wash of course.

Was just thinking the grit would be easier to clean


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The waste will sit on top, but as long as you syphon as per normal it stays very clean. Looks awsome too! My corys love it, their snouts basically sink into it when they are hunting for food. They all have full whiskers as well, so it doesn't seem to wear them down

Cheers, Jake.

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