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What can I do to reduce my snails' deforestation?


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I have two snails, which very closely resemble brown Pomacea canaliculata. I bought them as 'mystery snails' They are 2 inches in diameter and are one of the most interesting additions to my aquarium. It's really cool watching them race around my tank. In a straight line, it takes them about 20 seconds to glide the 3 foot length of the glass.

But they are notorious deforesters. What should I feed them to reduce them eating all my plants? I have recently started giving them spiralina disks which has helped. I feed my fish peas every 2nd day too. The snails gorge themselves on all the fish food which makes it to the bottom, be it blood worms, daphnia, flakes, shrimp pellets or pleco chips.....

I'm so glad they lay their eggs above water line so I can always knock them off. I don't want hundreds of these huge snails!

Any suggestions?

ps. forgot to add a link

http://www.applesnail.net/content/speci ... culata.htm

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I watched one last night eat an entire Tiger Lotus leaf, most of two shrimp pellets, some blood worms, a spiralina disk and two peas in about half an hour, then it started 'hoovering' the glass. How much I see them eat varies. I have seen the fish eat its waste too.

They are active from the evening, and are mostly nocturnal. But when its cloudy/rainy they start moving around in daytime. (fyi) :) Mine grew from half an inch to two inches in six months.

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I looked after Gary the ginormous golden apple snail for a friend who had moved to Australia for a few months..and there was nothing I could do to stop him eating anything vegetative in the tank. Would give him spirulina discs, peas, pellets, etc etc, but he was such a pig, he still ended up decimating all the plant life, (usually in order of most-least expensive!!). It got to the point where I was spending upwards of $10 on new plants EACH WEEK :o , just to satisfy his apparently neverending nutritional needs....

Needless to say, Gary has now found a new home, in a non planted tank!

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