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Cloudy Water


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I am running out of ideas and thought i would give you guys a crack at this.

Tank Aqua one, setup 7 months clear water, now developed cloudy water. i can see suspended particules. 2 cory, 1 plec, 5 neon, 10 male gup. no direct sunlight. also now a foam is building up on water surface. filter as part of hood design.

remidies tried

Replaced carbon, replaced filter wool/washed filter wool, replaced ceramic bio balls over period of one week, cut down light/increased light. decreased water changes to 1/4 every two weeks. increased stress zyme in water changes(adding bacteria). tested amonia ok, tested nitrate and nitrite ok. water hardness acceptable. added two tea spoons of (marine) salt to tank after each water change.

Oh and i keep using the Clumping agent too, no effect.

All these things have been tried and mostly one at a time with about one week between so as to isolate the problem. I have another tank which is clear, i run the same maintance principles on the tanks same tap water, however it has a larger Bio mass of fish. and no issues. the biggest difference would be that it has an external Harger Mini filter with only foam, charcol and amonia chips.

I have done all this and the only thing that makes it better is to do a water change evey day or Two to get rid of suspended particles/cloudy water.

I have had fish for about 5 years and never had this problem, plese help I am getting fed up with this unsightly water. :-?

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hi there richie

had this problem with my 29 gall tank too.....added another filter as I was only running one aquaclear 150 and it seems to have sorted the problem.

I do twice weekly smaller w/changes in there as there's a lot of bottom feeders who are more comfortable with the substrate being ultraclean


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