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Will my Goldfish eat WCMM eggs?


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Hi, I feel silly asking so many questions, but I'm so new to this...

Will my 2 fantail goldfish eat the eggs if my WCMM decide to spawn?

They are all in a 143 litre tank and numbers are as follows:

4 fantail goldies - about 4-5cm each


4 borneo suckers

Any chnace of the eggs not being eaten? Or is that over optimistic?

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haha, thanks Caryl, that's what I thought. No worries, I wasn't particularly wanting to breed them anyway - just wondered what would happen if they did cos it would be kinda cool.

Yeah we watched in horror the other night as one of our goldfish choked on a piece of algae disc we feed our suckers. We break the disc up but this piece was obviously a bit big - we had about 5 minutes of TOTAL FREAKOUT waiting for him to come right again! As soon as he stopped choking on it, he went straight down and started forgaing for more food!!!!!!!

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The goldfish will eat the WCMM if they can :)

Your fantails will be slow though so maybe not too much risk.. but I didn't believe it myself till I was at animates one day...there was a tank of relatively young goldfish.. and some WCMM's.. and I saw 2 goldfish in there that had minnows halfway down their throats! (the minnows were dead obviously but I don't know which came first!!)

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Yeah, my Goldfish are just constantly looking for food and will try anything - they even eat their own poo then spit it back out when they realise! Eww...

They could never eat the WCMM in my tank as they are so much faster than they are. My Goldfish aren't really interested in them, fortunately.

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Yeah, my fantails do sometimes playfully swim up to the minnow but when they get close they just lose interest and turn away. Except if the minnow are eating and they want their food!

I never really realised just how slow the fantails actually swim, as hubby and I staretd out with a small tank, but now that they have all that space in a 143 litre tank, you can see just what slow swimmers they are. And they all like to live in each other's back pockets - even though there's plenty of space to spread out now :P

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