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Discus problem


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My smallest discus after being picked on late yesterday, went black and then had what I thought was white spot. So this morning I went and treated the tank for white spot.

Tonight Cat came round and said that she does not think it is white spot but is spots of white fluff hanging off the discus even on its fins. (?? some kind of fungus).

She is kindly loaning me a hospital tank which I will transfer the discus into but am not quite sure what I should do now... ???continue the treatment for white spot, treat with malifix, do a salt bath ??? do both??

I do not want to cause any more problems/discomfort for my disus than the poor thing already is in...

has anyone any idea/s on what or what not to do please.

Cat is loaning me a testing kit which I will pick up in the morning ( and test the water etc... if my poor discus is still alive) but the other disus are fine not showing any problems at all.

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I think Mouse needs to know how much salt to use etc ... tank is about 20 litres ... will have a sponge filter and heater only.

There are no visible injuries on it .. just the little white tufts of fluff.

I have never seen a black discus before! :o Poor thing.

Hopefully by now Mouse has got the hospital tank up and the discus in it before it is too late.

Best of luck Mouse.

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