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DIY mini canister filter


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http://www.petfrd.com/forum/articles.ph ... =87&page=1

cool idea

Im keen to try make one of those. I have a very small powerhead here, does about 150LPH or so, and would be perfect for a 'nano' tank.... Ive been contemplating making a 6" cube for a while now, just need some glass... Im gunna try make one of these filters :)

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I was assuming that the pump was in the tank, now i see its in the canister.

I may have a go at one soon for my 220L

IMO id put the pump inside the tank and use it to suck.

I may got get some Hansen fittings rather than use hot glue to hold the pipes as i dont want 220L on the carpet

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IMO id put the pump inside the tank and use it to suck

yea i was thinking that too

im going to try it for a 25L tank this week

the inlet will be down the bottom and once the water builds up in the container it has to push it up the water up the top pipe and back into the tank...Is that right??????

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yea i was thinking that too

im going to try it for a 25L tank this week

the inlet will be down the bottom and once the water builds up in the container it has to push it up the water up the top pipe and back into the tank...Is that right??????

Siphon it, like you would prime any canister. Make sure all the lines are filled with water

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Ive been mucking round this avo trying to find some bits and pieces to make one, but couldnt find anything suitable to use as the canister, so took a trip to the warehouse and found a perfect container for $5


This is the pump im gunna use, says it does 150-300 lph (you can turn the nozzle too adjust it)


And heres a mock layout of sorta what im gunna do


I will keep updating with pics (im a pic maniac :D )

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Yea im gunna put the pump inside it connected to the lid, and have some mesh between the media and pump to keep anything from getting sucked in. That black pipe i bought ages ago from mitre 10 mega... got 30 metres of it for like $15.

I found this one aswell, which looks much better than the first one, very similiar design though

http://www.myfishtank.net/forum/do-your ... ilter.html

Im gunna do mine similiar to that, by having the pump in the lid like that, and im also gunna cut the power cord, thread it through a small hole (with some silicon to make sure) then wire it back onto the plug... Easier then trying to make it come out the side or something. This is going to be a project that im gunna do right, as i have 2 weeks of holidays to get it right :lol:

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I just drilled a couple holes in the lid of mine and connected the pump (still need to wire the plug in though) and then made the connection at the bottom for the water to go in. I just need to silicon all the joins now to make sure, then get some mesh (i think i have some somewhere) and put it at the bottom above the 'spraybar' type thing i have in it to keep the media up. Also gotta get some hose to go from the canister to the tank.... that black stuff doesnt realy bend so it isnt the best to use for it....

No pics cos i dont have the camera today :(

EDIT: used the web cam :D



Looking into the canister


whole thing


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That T in the bottom, I'd suggest drilling a bunch of holes in it to spread the water flow around more. Probably not necessary, but it would help a bit.

Oh, and plug the ends of the T to force the water through the holes. Otherwise nothing will end up going out them.:)

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Just finished glueing it up... no pics this time... it looks no different, other than some messy siliconing here and there.

I didnt end up plugging the T and adding holes. couldnt be stuffed and it wouldnt have made much of a different anywho. the way it is now, the water will get pushed to each side and run around the side of the container, making its way up, so im hoping its gunna end up having a twirling effect in the canister. I though of a genius plan to see the flow through it too; set it up running through a bowl or similiar, then add pottasium permanganate (or something else that will colour the water fairly fast) to the bowl, and watch it get sucked into the inlet and see what happens... even if it's crap it will still look cool :D

If the weather is no good tomorrow, then ill get some mesh, and media, and get it up and running for the first trial run..... if the weathers good, then no progress will be made :lol:

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