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Feeding ram fry


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That's the odd thing! Eggs start a deep red and slowly darken and no sign of fungus. The female guards them closely and then eats them after 5 or 6 days when they are too old anyway .... should hatch in 4 yes??? So my male maybe shoot'n blanks .... need one from Chch as things shoot good down there! :wink:

I ordered 2 breeding pairs from my LFS and ended up with 4 females so bought another 2 small males from Palmy but took a chance on one and turned out to be yet another gal!

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Hi everyone, tried to get photos of my bolivian butterfly ram fry but my cellphone is on the blink. Two days before my rams started spawning, I'd treated my tank with stuff called Wunder Tonic cause some of my fish had white spot. I noticed the stones with eggs on and 1 of my loaches being very determined to eat them :evil: so after reading some of the posts you ppl had placed, decided to remove the egglaiden stones some 'blue' water and put them in a clear plastic caulender with airstone and java moss. Only two eggs went white and mouldy looking. They started hatching out the third day after they were laid. Once they started free swimming I transfered them into a spare tank and have been feeding them liquifry and finely ground flakes with brineshrimp pellets. I do a partial water change each day and although I've noticed 1 or 2 dead ones, there would still be approx. 150 little dudes swimming round. :bounce:

When I first put them in the tank, there were hundreds of teeny little worms on the glass front, now the fry seem to be eating them. Any ideas what these are?

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Are they long and flat when moving (move like a slug) and if you prod them become squat and oval? If so you have planariums which are non parasitic so no problem to the fish just good food! They are a sign however that there may be too much left over food in the tank.

They are cool little critters which have 2 cross eyed looking light sensors on top of their heads if seen under a microscope. You can also chop them length wise and width wise and they will regenerate themselves! .... they'd make a cool subject for a horror movie if they were bigger! :o

I'm envious with you Ram success as mine is either sterile or gay!

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