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over the last 2 or 3 days my male discus has gone really dark and is just sitting in the back corner of my breeding tank the female in the same tank is fine.

it looks like his tail is damaged and he has a mark on his side near the back he has also got very skinny

i just caught him and put him in a tank of his own he didn't even try and swim away

i got a few photos of him but my camera is not the best so the photos aren't that good.

Please help me i don't know whats wrong


this photo shows the mark just across and down from his tail



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The fish definately got Hex and you've left it way too late to treat. It also appears to have fin rot .

To be frank, not worth saving (that's my opinion). I would put the fish out of it's misery.

But if you want to treat thendo as follow

Raise temp to 33 deg and make sure you have plenty of airations.

Dose with Trichozole (Metro) 400mg per 40 ltrs water.

Repeat daily after 50% WC for 10 days.(Same temp water as tank for WC)



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Put the fish in a 2 feet tank with 40ltrs of water, a heater and an airstone. Don't worry about filter.

The tablet comes in 200 and 400mg. Get the 400mg tablet. You only need 1 tab per dose in a 40 ltrs tank.

Go to your vet and ask for 20 tab. Probably cost you $20-$30.

Poor water quality and stress can contribute to the cause.

The vet might charge you a consultation fee.


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If you look from the front you will see that it has lost all muscle mass between the top of the eye behind its skull and the base of the fin - that is known as 'razorbacked', and once a Discus is in that condition it usually means its internal organs are pretty much gone too. Treating it with drugs is likely only to accelerate its demise (because they cause further stress to the fish, as well as the pathogen), so you should prepare yourself for the worst - your fish will not survive the course of treatment - it is simply too far gone. :(

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I think that is probably because it was / is the runt. Now that it is on its own and the others aren't hassling it, it will feel happier and display more colour, but it is on its last legs. You may be able to keep it a while in a seperate tank, but it really doesn't have too long. Its up to you what you do with it, but don't be too upset when it does go to the big ocean in the sky.

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it was in the breeding tank with the female she is about 2cm bigger than him and they were getting on fine.

So there is no way it will survive, even with the Trichozole treatment

I've had breeding pairs breed happily for years and then all of a sudden one will go into decline for no apparent reason. Its sad, I know, but they just don't live forever. Judging by its general condition, even if you were able to kill off any flukes or other pathogens, your fish will already have severe organ damage. There really is very little you can do now. Chalk it up to experience, and make sure you do your best to look after your other Discus.

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