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howdy :D

i am a full time student / part time worker / part time fish tank looking after & constantly rearranging guy with multiple tank syndrome...

ive currently got a 4ft main freshwater tank with a bgk, 7 clown loaches (will be looking to get rid of 3/4 of these guys sometime in the very near future to make room for the 'growing up' fish) a fire eel, 3 angels, 2 bristlenoses and 2 butterfly (bolivian?) rams.

a 3ft grow on tank with 4 little discus, a little borneo tiger, an ornate birchir, sengalus birchir and 2 little bristlenoses, basically most of those are ready for the 4ft tank when i make more room for them...

i also newly acquired some brackish fish from snookie :bounce: in a 180l 3ft tank i have 2 green spotted puffers, an archer fish and a spotted scat. as the puffers are nearing 4 inches i am currently looking into converting this tank to marine and moving the scat and archer...

oh, also my angels keep laying eggs so for the first time last night i put the eggs in a 2ft bare tank with a small powerhead attached to a sponge filter blowing over them, and i put some of the blue stuff in there as apparently that helps to stop them getting the fungus...

damned mts... 8)

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