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Sexing and Breeding Black widow Tetras


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Stu just read this post and scratches his head and laughed. :-?

Come on guy's where's the knowledge on how to breed tetra's.

best breeding tank size is 300x600x300, not to small - nor to large.

Black widow's should look like adults in 4-6 weeks.

They take bbs from the time they are free swimming. If your fry are not growing rapidly it's because you are not giving them enough suitable food.

There may be 3 starter reasons you had a low fry count.

1, Your water may be a little to hard.

2, old eggs in female, best to breed them chuck the spawn, condition female and spawn again once full of eggs - in 2 weeks.

3, First spawns of any fish are usually poor or a complete failure, but not always.

I pick reason 2, but 1 may be a factor.

Hatching bbs is a piece of cake I hatch heaps daily. What do you do Dixon1990 to hatch your shrimp, maybe we can sort it out??.

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i dont have any brinshrimp at the moment,but when i did i was hatching them in a 1L bottle floating in 25degree water. But i have been feed microworms, frzn bloodworms and tetra granules the last week and they have grown quite a bit more now have about 15 at 1.5cm and their colour is getting a deeper black.

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1 of the problems with using a tank to large is the fry have to work harder to find food, unless you put heaps(to much)food in.

Hatching bbs in 1lt of water.

Add air tube( an air stone is not need ) to keep cysts moving with 2 table spoons (proper measuring spoon)of salt, @25C most should hatch in around 20-24hs. 1 teaspoon of baking soda can also be added to keep the water alkaline.

Place no more then 1 teaspoon of b/s in hatcher( if using NZ b/s 1/2 teaspoon)

Use or freeze with in 6hours of hatching.

Start with a fresh water mix every hatch.

Microworms are a good food and black widow fry can eat them from f/swim stage but the fry will never achieve the same growth that they would on bbs.

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