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Jacobfreibergi peacocks holding-what next?


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Hi, I have 2 female jacobs holding. I have placed them both together (along with a tank cleaning bristlenose) in a floating 10L container in main tank. I know being together is not ideal but will it be alright? When the fry are spat out and swimming do the parents (or other female or bristlenose)eat their fry? Should I have some java moss or similar to help stop getting eaten? Do the female parents eat food when holding? Thanks

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The females will hold for a little less than 3 weeks( 18 -20 days) and wont feed in that time.

If you know roughly how long they have been holding you can work out when to "strip" them, ( inducing them to spit the fry out) usually into a fry trap that sit in the top of your main tank in your main tank. I do this at 2 1/2 weeks That way the mothers can continue in the main tank until that time.

You could leave them where they are and let nature take its course but take the bristlenose out if there is no real reason to keep him there. Mum wont eat the young but she can be removed to the main tank once she spat.

You wont need java moss or the like but I do put in some small coral pieces into the trap for the bubs to hide around. Feed brine shrimp or even colourbits. At some stge they will need a little fry tank.

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i stripped my yellow yesterday. i cannot be totally sure but it was about day 12-15 of the cycle. I wanted to get them out earlier so she didnt loose too much condition as she is only 2 1/2 inches long. i removed the female from her tank & put her in a filled ice cream container. then hold the fish in one hand & open her mouth with a tooth pick or similar. they will swim out once her mouth is open. at the end give her a few gentle squeezes of the gills to push some water through & flush out any remaining fry. my little yellow had 12 fry about 8-10mm long, it really surprised me how they all had room in there.

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Awesome news Malcolm, they must have been pretty big :)

I just leave holding fish alone in the big tank and strip them (as firenz said) at 2.5-3 weeks, as much as the fish seems to suffer its best not to strip earlier (unless you have a tumbler etc ready) as they dont seem to do so well. Of course the time taken shortens with a higher temp or genetics it seems, have stripped 2 yellows at the same time out of the same tank but I brought them from different places that bred on the same day and one had with free swimming babies one that needed babies in the tumbler for a few days.

If you have already moved the babies out into the container and they're getting alot you have setup then id leave them the male may be agro towards them if you just dump them back in. And the bristlenose shouldn't eat the babies I keep bristlenoses in all my grow out tanks to clean up any mess.

If you decide to leave the female's to spit naturally they may hold for upto a month and generally wont eat, some females figure out how to eat a little and filter it through their babies but not many and they still seem to get skinny as.

Good luck let me know how you get on :)

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